Monday, 6 July 2009

Home - A bitter sweet home

Here I am. I am home again...

That's strange. It's the feeling when you walk out the terminal and get in a taxi. Drived along the street. All your 3 weeks in a strange country with alots of memories suddenly disapears.
What you feeling now is like you just took a rest and now wake up. Nothing change from the time you close your eyes.
Same language, same street, same people...

I know, I'm coming back to reality..
I know, I'm coming back to my life..
...come back to worries, to moneys.....


...along with them is my confidence, my optimistic, my happiness, and alot of photos :))
That's why I love it..

Simulator time


Em yêu on 7 July 2009 at 21:34 said...

Nhìn như kiểu một ngôi sao lớn đứng bên cạnh các fan hâm mộ ý anh yêu nhỉ ? hihi

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